Glycerin cooled water pipes are all the icy rage right now, so we’ve got the scoop for all the best information on how glycerine coils work and how to get the most out of them. Here’s some tips and tricks for using and maintaining your new Magma Industries Sapphire freeze coil!

What is Glycerine and Why Put It In A Bong?

Glycerine is a nontoxic gel that is used in all kinds of products including soaps and foods. It gets colder than water without freezing which makes it perfect for lowering the temperature of your vapor. It is entirely contained within a glass chamber separate from the vapor path, giving you the coolest vapor without impacting its flavor.

How do I Use the Magma Industries Sapphire?

First, ensure your Sapphire is completely dry and void of water. Second, place the glycerine coil in the freezer for up to 90 minutes. After an hour, the glycerine will be nearly frozen, but still liquid, and your Sapphire will be ready to produce the finest vapor available.

How Long Can I Leave My Sapphire in the Freezer?

We recommend freezing your Sapphire for up to 90 minutes, and letting it dry completely before re-freezing.

Can I Use the Sapphire Without Putting it in the Freezer?

YES! Although you wouldn’t get the same degree of cooling as with a frozen coil, the glycerin will still act as a heat sink at room temperature to significantly cool your vapor.

How Frequently Should I Clean My Sapphire?

For best results and maintenance, we recommend completely drying your Sapphire after every use and before re-freezing. Deep cleaning with Isopropyl alcohol or other cleaning solution at least once a week is also recommended, but depending on how frequently you use it this timeline could be extended up to a month. If you notice the flow is becoming restricted, that’s a sure sign to give it a deep clean!

How Long Will My Sapphire Freeze Coil Stay Frozen?

Depending on the heat setting you have your Volcano Vaporizer set to, our Sapphire freeze coil will keep your vapor cool for up to 4 hours or more.